Are You Worried about hair fall/ hair loss?
Herbal Medicine and Cupping Therapy Clinic, F 36, DB Gupta Market, Karol bagh, New Delhi, M 8287833547
Numerous options available, I.e. PRP, Mesotherapy, Meso-PRP, cupping etc now a days these therapies are very common, reason is these regimes are very effective and affordable.
Important cause of hair fall and hair loss:-
Nutritional deficiency lead to hair loss and thinning. Eat a well-balanced diet, which helps to boost your overall health and event hair. The most important Vitamins for hair are Vitamin A, Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Iron and Zinc.
We are offering prp, mesoprp, mesotherapy and cupping at very affordable price. Important is no compromise in quality of the services. All therapies adjuvant with anti dht and activator.
Add F 36, herbsl medicine and cupping therapy clinic,in front of swagat place hotel, dB Gupta market, Karol Bagh new Delhi . M 8287833547
Offer at this center:-
Get 100% Safe Non-surgical hair treatment PRP or meso prp just Rs 3200/-only with 1 month hair serum. Call now 8287833547. Guaranteed results by 15 years experienced professional doctor. No Pain No swelling, No scar, Natural procedure, sanitized & contactless. Call Now for free consultation 8287833547.
Dr. Izharul hasan is a prominent specialist known for his dedicated services from past 15 years. He owns a clinic Herbal Medicine and Cupping Therapy, F 36 DB Gupta Market, Karol bagh, New Delhi where you can get pioneering options of PRP and Mesotherapy treatment for pain management, face and hair in Delhi, India. We hope that you have found the information contained in this post interesting. There are a lot more posts on the variety of services and conditions we treat and offer at our clinic. You may still have some questions, so, why not get in touch with us. We will be happy to discuss these with you.